TreeSimGM - Simulating Phylogenetic Trees under General Bellman Harris and
Lineage Shift Model
Provides a flexible simulation tool for phylogenetic trees
under a general model for speciation and extinction. Trees with
a user-specified number of extant tips, or a user-specified
stem age are simulated. It is possible to assume any
probability distribution for the waiting time until speciation
and extinction. Furthermore, the waiting times to speciation /
extinction may be scaled in different parts of the tree,
meaning we can simulate trees with clade-dependent
diversification processes. At a speciation event, one species
splits into two. We allow for two different modes at these
splits: (i) symmetric, where for every speciation event new
waiting times until speciation and extinction are drawn for
both daughter lineages; and (ii) asymmetric, where a speciation
event results in one species with new waiting times, and
another that carries the extinction time and age of its
ancestor. The symmetric mode can be seen as an vicariant or
allopatric process where divided populations suffer equal
evolutionary forces while the asymmetric mode could be seen as
a peripatric speciation where a mother lineage continues to
exist. Reference: O. Hagen and T. Stadler (2017). TreeSimGM:
Simulating phylogenetic trees under general Bellman Harris
models with lineage-specific shifts of speciation and
extinction in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.